Tango Review Level 5

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

We will review all the material covered in all the parts of level 5 Space is limited. Please register with a partner in advance by sending us an etransfer to info@rhythmandmotion.ca


Leader’s Technique

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Space is limited. No partner required. Please register in advance by sending us an etransfer to info@rhythmandmotion.ca or purchase ticket from this page. $20 (taxes included)      

Afternoon Practilonga

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Milonga Drills Workshop

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Afternoon Practilonga

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Space is limited. Please register with a partner in advance by sending us an etransfer to info@rhythmandmotion.ca or purchase ticket from this page.  


Cha Cha Workshop

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 3

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 2

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 4

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 5

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 6

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Argentine Tango Level 7

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario

Tango Drills

Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio 3352 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario